The problem of the Runcible spoon

Ah the Runcible spoon, which rose to fame in the Edward Lear poem “The Owl and the Pussycat” is not, in fact, the poet’s invention–no matter what the internet says. How do I know this?

Because I read Boswell’s The Life of Samuel Johnson in college. There’s a scene in the diary wherein Boswell and Dr. Johnson have stopped at an inn while traveling and they must provide their own utensils while they eat from a shared bowl. Boswell is put out that he has only his belt knife and cannot keep up with the prodigious gobbling pace of Johnson who has a “Runcible’s spoon”. This invention of a man named Runcible (no, his first name isn’t mentioned that I recall, but I’d bet on “John” just to be perverse) is described by Boswell as a long handle with a spoon bowl at one end and fork at the other, and one sharpened edge to make a small knife (I’m afraid I’ve forgotten if it was the spoon or the fork that had the sharpened side). Boswell is interested in Runcible’s invention and though Johnson finds it a bit of a challenge, it’s a huge step up from making do with a belt knife and fingers as Boswell has to do.

I haven’t found the reference, myself, but I’m told the Runcible’s spoon is also mentioned in Pepys’s diary.(I have been informed that my source was wrong and the runcible spoon does not appear in Pepys’s diary.)* Both Pepys and Johnson predates Edward Lear by a considerable time. That the internet has widely reported the story of the Runcible spoon as an invention of Lear’s does not, in fact, make it true. It’s the invention of Runcible.

And although they call it a “spork” here, this is, in fact, a variation on Mr. Runcible’s spoon. (The Slightly Less Than Official Spork Page claims “Spork’ is the colloquial term for `Runcible Spoon'” but the spork doesn’t usually have a sharpened edge and there’s no knife edge on the official patent design.) The original must have had a longer and more distinct handle, but still… a spoon bowl, fork tines, and one sharpened edge…. Plainly a Runcible’s spoon. You can imagine how swank Dr. Johnson must have been to own such a marvel in the Eighteenth Century. Very, very swank! No sharing germs with the peons for Dr. Johnson! No burning his fingers snatching bits of meat out of the stew pot with his unaided hand.

And, in spite of what my parents told me, a central-pivot salad tongs is also not a Runcible spoon. Just isn’t. Sorry. Not to mention how could the Owl and Pussycat ever have eaten “mince and slices of quince” with a salad tongs? Ridiculous. But with a Runcible spoon? Easy as… well, as pie. Om nom nom!

Also, the poem wouldn’t have rhymed very well with “spork.”

*edited for correction.

About Kat Richardson

Writer, editor, eccentric pain in the tail, bestselling author of the Greywalker novels.
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9 Responses to The problem of the Runcible spoon

  1. Alan Gordon says:

    I think there’s a runcible spoon fight in Gravity’s Rainbow.

  2. Now that I’d love to see….

    “Beware my Runcible spoon!” *splat*

  3. MD says:

    *loves Boswell*

    I just had to say this:) I read some of his stuff for a paper I wrote on travel literature about Scotland. He is so very funny!

  4. I remember the passage being really bizarre–to the point that it’s stuck with me for 20 years.

  5. Miss Bliss says:

    I gotta say this is one of the reasons I so love reading Writer Blogs…you just don’t find this kind of information anywhere else

  6. Lilaeth says:

    Runcible spoon sounds a tad less rude than spork – or is that just me??

  7. I agree. “Spork” sounds like a verb. 😉

  8. Lilaeth says:

    I cam, I saw, I sporked. Yup, that sounds like Julius Caesar all right! 😉

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