Jane is HOT!

OMG and Squeee! it’s Jane True day!

I’m not usually all squealy fan grrl and you know I’m not a huge romance reader, but…

I love Nicole Peeler’s Jane True–her first book, Tempest Rising is one of the few paranormal romances I’ve ever loved enough to give a quote–and the second book in the series is out today! Tracking the Tempest continues the adventures of funny, food-loving, fainting-at-blood, half-selkie shopgirl Jane True. She’s the sort of paranormal heroine who’d rather eat or have tons of good sex than kick ass and save the world and she does it all (with the help of some magical friends including a sexy ne’re-do-well vampire and a dour barghest)!

Yes there are shoes and sex and lots of food, frivolity and fun, but there’s also some excellent writing, research, myth and the most delightful (and real) heroine who ever offered to trade in adventure for grilled cheese. Gotta love her. So go get the book! I have spoken!

About Kat Richardson

Writer, editor, eccentric pain in the tail, bestselling author of the Greywalker novels.
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4 Responses to Jane is HOT!

  1. Cat says:

    I think Jane True is one of the best female characters our there in the paranormal world. She reacts as a real person might, even if they weren’t half selkie! I ran out to the store near me on the weekend because I saw they had the book early and I have already gobbled it up cover to cover. I agree with you on this post!

  2. Synde says:


  3. Ruth T. says:

    Love Love Love Jane, I found it last on the 23 and I know the bookstore people just like to here me squeal. Yes it is read.

  4. Yay! Go forth and spread the word of Jane!

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