Coming Along….

I continue on the path to deadline. Today was a pretty good one in spite of errands, chores, bills, and a very needy dog who whined most of the afternoon. But I still managed to stay on track and hit my word goal plus a little.

Picometer says:
(if you can’t read this, Picometer is undergoing updates.)

Today’s wordcount: 3,249
Total wordcount to date on Possession (Greywalker #8): 43,301
Goal for November: 50,000
Goal for Manuscript: 100,000
Deadline: December 31, 2012

Happening in the Ms: Carlos–everyone’s favorite nasty bit of vampire–turns up!

About Kat Richardson

Writer, editor, eccentric pain in the tail, bestselling author of the Greywalker novels.
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1 Response to Coming Along….

  1. Rae says:

    Excellent! Carlos is back. Love it.

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